A gift from you this Christmas…
…will restore the sight – and hopes and dreams – of adults and children, like Aanand. Please send your sight-saving gift today!
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13
He only wanted to play marbles with the other children.
But 7-year-old Aanand from rural Nepal couldn’t see well enough to play, so the other children mocked him and sent him away.
Children like Aanand, with treatable conditions such as cataracts, have done nothing to deserve the hardship and unkindness they often have to endure. Instead, they struggle on – missing out on so much of the fun and joy of childhood that they deserve. It’s a heartbreaking thought, isn’t it?
As the joy of Christmas approaches, and our thoughts turn to the giving of God’s greatest gift in the birth of Jesus, will you please prayerfully consider giving a child, like Aanand, the miracle gift of sight.
There’s no doubt that, for families like Aanand’s, your kindness can transform their lives.
You can be part of the miracle they wish for.

For the child with cataracts who is at risk of a life without sight… for the mother who can no longer see to earn a living and faces appalling hardship… for all adults and children who are needlessly blind, and so many more people with conditions that could be easily treated or prevented, your compassion and generosity can save sight and transform lives.
Will you please make a gift and help answer more prayers and make more wishes come true this Christmas? You can give the miracle gift of sight to adults and children, like Aanand, who are in urgent need of treatment – and hope…
Aanand is such a bright boy – he loves learning – and his parents have the highest hopes for him.
So you can imagine their worry and concern when Aanand started falling behind at school. He wasn’t keeping up in class and even handed in his assignments late. That had never happened before.
Then Aanand was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes. And suddenly all that promise, and those wonderful dreams, started to fade.
Because, living in one of the world’s poorest places, there is simply no way Aanand’s parents can afford the cataract surgery he needs. They know that, without treatment, Aanand is at risk of permanent blindness. His mother, Bhulli, told us,
“It really hurts me as a mother to see my son suffering.”

Their hearts are breaking, but living in poverty, there is nothing they can do – the cost of surgery is far beyond their means.
Your kindness can change lives.
The compassion people like you have for children has helped to make sure that so many children who would otherwise have become permanently blind are now back at school, and have greater opportunities to learn and thrive.
Will you show that wonderful care and compassion again this Christmas, with a gift for children like Aanand, and worried parents. Your kindness can be the answer to their prayers.
Worldwide, three out of four people who are blind don’t need to be, and are living with a visual impairment that could be treated or prevented.
Their hearts are breaking, but living in poverty, there is nothing they can do about their sight – the cost of surgery is beyond their means.
They need kind-hearted people like you.
In the world’s poorest communities, millions of people are blind simply because they cannot access or afford sight-saving treatment.
And as Aanand’s parents know only too well, blindness makes it more likely that people will miss out on opportunities like education, earning a living, and living independently. Life for people living in poverty in low-income countries like Nepal is hard enough. A child growing up needlessly blind faces even greater barriers.
This Christmas, you have the opportunity to share the love that Jesus demonstrated, by reaching out with compassion to help a child like Aanand gain the miracle of sight.
With your kind gift, you can transform a life.
Where families are living without hope of support or treatment, you can help provide the surgery to restore a child’s sight – and provide them with greater opportunities to access education, and to lead full and happy lives.
Aanand has high hopes for his own future. He told us,
“After studying, I want to become a doctor. I want to fix the eyes of other children who are suffering.”
The hopes and dreams of so many adults and children, like Aanand, can be given life and potential by the straightforward surgery that can save their sight.

Your gift can make a truly life-changing difference to adults and children, like Aanand, and their families.
When kind people like you decide to act, extraordinary things happen.
Every gift you give is so valuable. It opens up a world of hope and possibilities to adults and children who have been left behind and otherwise forgotten.
If you are able to send a gift this Christmas, you will be helping to answer the prayers of so many adults, children and families living in poverty.
Thank you so much for your continued compassion and kindness. It means the world to families, like Aanand’s, to know that they are held in your heart and mind.
When adults and children, like Aanand, are at risk of losing their sight forever, a gift from you can change their lives. Please will you prayerfully consider sending a sight-saving gift this Christmas? Thank you.